Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Where Are The Quilt Posts?

If you are new to my blog you are probably wondering where are the pictures and posts about quilting? Why is my blog called the Quilting Ranny if there isn't any quilts?

If these are your thoughts, you are spot on and the explanation I have is that my blog is a huge part of me and my family and it includes so many posts on quilts and collecting quilts.

However, in February of this year, our entire families lives began to unravel in a way I would never have seen coming and I am still at times living in a state of confusion, chaos and profound and deep sadness.

We had to sell and turn our backs on our blessings and begin to look for new blessings where we could find them.There are still days I am to afraid to walk outside, go to the grocery store or even spend time with my grandchildren.

We live in a fifth wheel now and I have no room for quilting. But I crochet hats and scarves for people living on the streets. 

One day, I believe God will bless us with another home. One day I know God is going to reign blessings upon our family for our faithfulness.

All I can say, is for now, I will post when I can and never ever take for granted your job, your home, what you have. Because in an instant it can all be taken away from you!

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